Ignite My Ability is founded on passion and people. Our mission is to deliver the best support services with mutual respect and honesty. Our promise is that our door is always open, and you are always welcome. 

We are a NDIS service provider dedicated to providing a wide variety of supports to suit your needs and budget. Our elite team deliver highly specialised care and gold star service with care, compassion, and skill. We are passionate about providing the very best support; creating amazing experiences for people of all abilities; and helping our clients live their very best lives.

Ignite My Ability - White Logo Symbol


Portrait phot of Jenni Garner, Dream Team member of Ignite My Ability

Jenni Gardiner

With more than 25 years of experience in the disability sector, Jenni is a much loved and familiar face for many families in Coffs Harbour. Jenni is passionate about providing superior care and support to people of all abilities.

“At Ignite, we aim to create a world where there are no differences, where everyone has the same opportunities to live fulfilling, safe and happy lives,” she explains.

“We are family, we are always available, and our doors are always open and welcoming to all.”

For most of her life, Jenni has committed herself to care. Originally a qualified teacher, Jenni has extensive experience as a support worker, support coordinator, support manager and director of disability services. She holds a raft of diplomas in Disability Care, Case Management and Leadership Management and has utilised her extensive knowledge and passion to create the Ignite family. 

“I saw a real need for grassroots, family-based service, where staff and participants can walk through the door and feel at home,” says Jenni. “Creating and being at the helm of Ignite is a dream come true.”

Karen Goodwin

Karen is the solutions guru at Ignite. Her previous roles have centred around problem-solving and Karen brings this skill to the fore in the Ignite team.

“I really get a kick out of making someone’s day better and ensuring people have everything they need,” Karen explains. “I enjoy making someone’s day brighter and am always here to listen.”

Karen has extensive experience in management and has been working directly in the disability sector for seven years. She has lifelong experience caring for people with disabilities and her continued learning includes a just-completed Certificate IV in Disability Studies.

When Karen’s not sitting down with families or working hard to shore supports and services for her clients, you’ll find her with her feet in the sand at the beach or in the dirt of her prized vegetable garden. An empty nester with two boys who’ve flown the coop, Karen also enjoys hitting the road in her caravan and adventuring around Australia.

Jake Gardiner

Bringing the brains and brawn to Ignite, Jake is the head of our kids’ programs and leads Ignite’s risk management and compliance. 

With a decorated history in the Australian army including multiple overseas deployments, Jake delivers a high level of experience to the Ignite executive team.

Jake’s impressive resumé includes private security work in war-torn Afghanistan, where he managed a massive team of 1100 security staff. His experiences have made him an expert in the fields of risk management, compliance, auditing, OH&S, and project management.

Jake is also an expert at bringing the fun and good times, which he does every day of Ignite’s school holiday programs.

A keen outdoorsman who grew up on a diet of rugby league, surfing, fishing, and camping, Jake is passionate about giving kids of all abilities the same opportunities that he was afforded growing up.

“My favourite moments with our kids have to be the Oosh fun factory days where they are given the full VIP treatment and have the run of the whole Oosh centre,” enthuses Jake. “To see them feel like kings and queens, to see their big smiles, to give them access to a mainstream opportunity - that makes all the hard work we put into the program worthwhile.”


The youngest member of our executive committee, Billie is the official giver of hugs and four-legged furry support. Billie’s giant heart and huge capacity for cuddles makes her the office favourite.

A devotee of our cooking classes and best friend of anyone eating lunch.

Billie brings the good vibes whenever she drops in to hang with her Ignite family.

Supporting you to


Support worker and happy client smiling and laughing.


Our team of highly experienced support workers are:

Goal Focused

Highly Trained & Professional

Fun & Innovative

Caring, Passionate & Loyal

Get In Touch.

If you would like us to contact you to discuss your needs, please fill in the form below and we will do our very best to respond as soon as possible.